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2021.02.18 424 字号

2021年2月9日,中国国际电视台(英文简称 CGTN)对北京匈牙利文化中心工作人员进行采访,就北京匈牙利文化中心在中国推广珂达伊音乐教学法,并携手“快乐合唱3+1”公益项目,为中国乡村中小学音乐教师和学生带去珂达伊音乐教学法的事迹进行简要报道。





以下为视频内容文字稿:This isn't an indoor game, but a music class – Using a methodology developed by Hungarian composer Zoltan Kodaly. The system is being taught at Beijing's Hungarian Cultural Institute.这不是室内游戏,而是音乐课,这是北京匈牙利文化中心使用匈牙利作曲家珂达伊创造出来的系统教学法上课的情景。
NORA GUNCZ Music Teacher "The best feedback is what I feel during the lesson. When they smile, they like singing. For example, after the lesson, they go out of the door, out of the room, and they are still singing on the corridor."北京匈牙利文化中心教师诺拉:“我在课堂中的感受就是最好的回馈。看到他们笑,我知道他们喜欢歌唱。下课了,他们迈出这扇门,走出教室,在走廊上也会唱着歌。”
FENG YILEI CGTN Reporter "How do you manage to teach the Hungarian music concept to Chinese kids when there's a language and cultural barrier?"CGTN记者冯懿磊:“你是怎么突破语言和文化障碍把匈牙利的音乐理念教给中国孩子的呢?”
EDIT LANCZKY Music Teacher "Music is the common language of us. When I sing something they can repeat it. When I clap something, they can repeat it."北京匈牙利文化中心教师兰迪老师:“音乐是人类的共同语音。我唱的时候,孩子们能模仿。我做动作的时候,孩子们也能重复动作。”
But the inspirational approach and fun behind the Kodaly method aren't the only reasons for its growth in China.珂达伊音乐教学法在中国发展较好并不仅仅因为它具有启发性和趣味性。
NORA GUNCZ Music Teacher "Everybody can do it, everybody who has a healthy voice, and you don't need any instruments for that."诺拉:“有健康嗓音条件的每个人都能用上,而且它不需要任何额外乐器。”
In the past half a decade, Kodaly method promoters have been actively working together with local charity groups, especially in less-developed rural areas, where music education is still hardly affordable.在过去的五年里,北京匈牙利文化中心与中国本土慈善组织(北京德清公益基金会)合作,在欠发达的、音乐教育尚未普及的农村地区推广珂达伊音乐教学法。
DR. SZONJA BUSLIG Cultural Counsellor, Hungarian Embassy in China "Children in these areas have few chances to integrate well into society. The Kodaly method not only helps them to sing and learn basic music knowledge, but also to build a miniature society in choral groups."匈牙利驻华文化教育参赞、北京匈牙利文化中心主任宋妮雅:“这些地区的孩子们融入社会的机会较少,珂达伊教学法不仅能让他们唱起来,教会他们基本的音乐知识,也能通过合唱团让他们融入小团体、小社会。”
Such choral groups are already making a difference.现在合唱团已经带来了改变。
PAN PEIRU Chorus Student "I have more confidence to perform onstage."湖南郴州安仁县实验学校潘佩如:“现在上台,我更自信了。”
LINGTAN RUIYAO Chorus Student "I have a lot more to share with my classmates now."湖南郴州安仁县实验学校凌谭瑞瑶:“我和跟其他同学有更多话聊了。”
And for Kodaly method teachers, it's no longer about individual effort.对推广珂达伊音乐教学法的老师们来说,现在他们不再是独自战斗了。
NORA GUNCZ Music Teacher "We can reach even more people actually on online. And now, we put more emphasis on teaching the teachers, so we can spread it even more."诺拉老师:“通过在线教学,我们可以惠及更多人。现在,我们把重点放在教老师上,有利于更好地推广。”
As Kodaly himself once said, a folk song can be the best way to learn about a culture. Today, teachers have also been digging more into diverse Chinese children's songs hoping to combine them with this Western methodology, and to build a tighter cultural connection between the Chinese and Hungarian peoples. Feng Yilei, CGTN, Beijing. 珂达伊曾说过,民歌是了解一个国家文化的最好载体。现在,北京匈牙利文化中心的老师们正尝试了解中国儿歌,希望能把他们和西方教学法结合,为中匈两国建立更紧密的文化纽带。(冯懿磊,CGTN,北京)